Episode 18

Mexico and El Himno Nacional Mexicano

Published on: 9th July, 2024

A note on audio here: I recorded this in a 95 degree Fahrenheit booth with the AC off and it was a very sweaty hour of of my life. It's impossible to imagine sitting through that again despite my struggle with background appliance noise everywhere. Sorry it's a bit less this time.


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  2. https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2024/5/11/mexico-city-is-sinking-running-out-of-water-how-can-it-be-saved#:~:text=Mexico%20City%20is%20sinking%2C%20as,itself%20today%20in%20stunning%20ironies
  3. https://www.npr.org/2018/09/14/647601623/mexico-city-keeps-sinking-as-its-water-supply-wastes-away 
  4. https://www.salon.com/2007/08/30/upton/#:~:text=Interviewers%20handed%20people%20a%20blank,familiar%2C%22%20the%20survey%20found 
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  9. Ida Altman, et al., The Early History of Greater Mexico, Pearson, 2003
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  11. https://mediateca.inah.gob.mx/repositorio/islandora/object/pintura%3A4293 
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  14. https://www.natalietaylor.org/post/a-mexican-poet-forever-remembered 
  15. https://dbpedia.org/page/Francisco_Gonz%C3%A1lez_Bocanegra 
  16. https://web.archive.org/web/20201115214936/http://www.cronica.com.mx/notas/2017/1004070.html 
  17. https://web.archive.org/web/20131020102135/http://rotonda.segob.gob.mx/work/models/Rotonda/Resource/contenidos/P40t.html# 
  18. https://www.elsoldemexico.com.mx/cultura/jaime-nuno-un-heroe-de-la-historia-mexicana-a-110-anos-de-su-muerte-himno-nacional-mexico-guerra-de-independencia-5762305.html 
  19. Canton, Cristian; Tovar, Raquel (2010). Jaume Nunó. Un santjoaní a Amèrica. Ajuntament de Sant Joan de les Abadesses and Casa Amèrica-Catalunya. ISBN 978-84-85736-54-6.
  20. Cristian Canton and Raquel Tovar, Jaime Nunó. A San Juan resident in America . Joint edition of the City Council of San Juan de las Abadesas and Casa América-Cataluña, 2010. ISBN 978-84-85736-55-3
  21. Cristian Canton. Jaume Nunó i Roca: his musical legacy From him. Co-edition of the National Fund for Culture and the Arts / National Council for Culture and the Arts and Mozaic Editions, 2012. ISMN 979-0-9002212-5-4
  22. BELTRAN, Bernardino. History of the Mexican National Anthem and historical narratives by its authors Mr. Francisco González Bocanegra and Mr. Jaime Nunó. Mexico City: Graphic Workshops of the Nation (DAPP), 1939
  23. Canton, Cristian; Tovar, Raquel (2010). Jaime Nuno. A San Juan native in America (1st edition). San Juan de las Abadesas Town Hall and Casa América-Cataluña.
  24. https://www.mtholyoke.edu/offices/comm/csj/042800/gimeno.html 
  25. https://www.gob.mx/inafed/articulos/conmemoramos-que-hace-76-anos-se-emitio-el-decreto-por-el-que-se-establece-la-version-oficial-de-nuestro-himno-nacional 
  26. https://web.archive.org/web/20041022114958/http://www.sre.gob.mx/mexico/general/himno.htm 
  27. https://archive.today/20120628232955/http://www.neilrogers.com/news/articles/2004111601.html 


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The Anthems Podcast
A show where I try to tell the story of a song that tells the story of a nation.
What's the story with national anthems? Well, that depends entirely on the anthem. From the wildly mundane to the historically significant and every what else. In each episode I'll tease out the story of a song that helps tell the story of a nation. The connections between them will be a surprise and if I've figured this out you will be entertained.

Questions, comments complaints, and corrections (please tell me where I'm wrong!) can get to me at anthemspod@gmail.com or at +1 (203) 759-8375

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Patrick Maher