Episode 9

Bolivia and The National Anthem of Bolivia

Published on: 6th November, 2023

Hi. Thanks for visiting the show notes. Here are some actual fun facts:

  • While in space Neil Armstrong saw what he described as a gigantic mirror reflecting out of South America. It was actually the Salar de Uyuni. He was so struck with the salt flat of over 10000 square kilometers that he went on vacation there with his family.
  • Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid ran through Argentina and landed in Bolivia where they tried to repeat their wild west stick up act. The authorities were having none of that, they surrounded their lodgings, a gun fight ensued, and the duo were left dead.
  • Bolivia is also where the efforts of Che Guevara came to an end when he attempted to overthrow the 1966 and 67 government and claim it for communism. He was executed in La Higuera.
  • Bolivia is landlocked, Laka Titicaca is the highest elevation lake (at 12500 ft) that you can put a boat in, plus they have the highest elevation forest.

Here are my sources:

  1. https://dctourguideonline.com/the-george-washington-of-south-america/ 
  2. https://www.opinion.com.bo/articulo/cancionero/historia-himno-nacional-bolivia/20110808202000373031.html 
  3. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/5251306.stm 
  4. https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/bolivia/ 
  5. https://www.google.com/books/edition/Foraging_and_Farming/qxghBQAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&pg=PA496&printsec=frontcover 
  6. https://web.archive.org/web/20101104191224/http://embajadadebolivia.com.ar/histhim.htm 
  7. https://web.archive.org/web/20100328130208/http://www.redpizarra.org/HuellasDeBolivia/ElHimnoNacional 
  8. https://www.loc.gov/item/90026427/ 
  9. https://web.archive.org/web/20030801122417/http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/1958.htm 
  10. Arnade, Charles W. (1970) [1957]. The Emergence of the Republic of Bolivia. New York: Russell and Russell.
  11. https://archive.org/details/briefhistoryofbo0000mora 
  12. https://read.dukeupress.edu/hahr 
  13. https://www.ecured.cu/Leopoldo_Benedetto_Vincenti_Franti 
  14. https://www.t13.cl/noticia/deportes13/copa-america-2019/Copa-America-2019-Por-que-se-parecen-himnos-de-Chile-y-Bolivia1 
  15. https://correodelsur.com/ecos/20181125_las-musas-que-inspiraron-el-himno-nacional.html 
  16. Miranda, Edmundo (2009). The National Anthem of Bolivia (to understand what we sing).
  17. https://www.google.com/books/edition/Desarrollo_demogr%C3%A1fico_de_la_ciudad_de/dTwTAQAAIAAJ?hl=en 
  18. https://www.google.com/books/edition/Gran_gu%C3%ADa_estad%C3%ADstica_sud_americana/WF7Rk5KFes4C?hl=en&gbpv=1&pg=PA696&printsec=frontcover 
  19. https://www.blackpast.org/global-african-history/mururata-bolivia-ca-1851/#:~:text=Bolivia%20officially%20ended%20slavery%20with,formed%20villages%20such%20as%20Mururata
  20. https://web.archive.org/web/20180321130807/http://www.la-razon.com/sociedad/pueblos-logran-traducir-Himno-Nacional_0_2761523856.html 
  21. https://www.mcislanguages.com/fatherland-vs-motherland-what-is-the-gender-of-your-country/#:~:text=Derived%20from%20the%20Latin%20word,sense%20of%20belonging%20and%20love
  22. https://bolivia.justia.com/nacionales/nueva-constitucion-politica-del-estado/primera-parte/titulo-i/capitulo-primero/ 

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The Anthems Podcast
A show where I try to tell the story of a song that tells the story of a nation.
What's the story with national anthems? Well, that depends entirely on the anthem. From the wildly mundane to the historically significant and every what else. In each episode I'll tease out the story of a song that helps tell the story of a nation. The connections between them will be a surprise and if I've figured this out you will be entertained.

Questions, comments complaints, and corrections (please tell me where I'm wrong!) can get to me at anthemspod@gmail.com or at +1 (203) 759-8375

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Patrick Maher